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Lesbian Cheater

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  • Lesbian Cheater

    My lesbian girlfriend broke up with me two months ago and she had every reason to do that. I cheated on her outright. I don't know what got into me. I didn't hide that I was cheating and of course was sloppy enough that she found out. She and I have been together for two years and had a good connection. I don't want to lose her. I want to try to get her back, but don't know how to approach her cause she is still mad at me. But, I can't afford for time to go by without making contact with her and telling her how sorry I am. What should I do?

  • #2
    I think you should make contact with her like yesterday. Don't wait for too much time to pass or you will have already lost her. I would be mad too. What do you think? I don't like cheaters and I have never had the stomach to handle it. So, if you want her back, try to coax her into forgiving you and possibly coming back. But, you have to show her that you serious. You cannot act as if you want to get one over on her. Show regret and she will see it as it is. Good luck to you! ✌


    • #3
      I had a girl cheat on me before and it was painful. So I know how it feels. It is not easy and you can get really hurt, if you try getting her back because then she may cheat on you for revenge. You ever thought about that? Are you ready to risk that? It is going to be your call. Go for it, if you think she is worth your time and effort. All the best to you!


      • #4
        You are not the only one who has cheated before. Even in a traditional heterosexual hook up, people cheat. Give yourself a break. At least, you weren't really hiding it and she found out. It is going to be hurtful to her so it is your duty to kiss her ass to let her know you are sorry and that you care. If you are not willing to kiss ass, then you are in deep shit. Go ahead and call or text her. Calling would be better though. Call and set up a time where you can both talk. Wishing you luck. You are gonna need it!


        • #5
          This was not hte first time I was cheating and so I guess that is why she is so upset. I feel bad, but it is what it is and I cannot change the past. But, I understand if she doesn't want to try again because we have been through this mess more than once and it frustrates me too that I cannot be faithful. Maybe, I shouldn't be in a serious relationship. I don't know what to think at this point. But, I really like her and don't want to lose her. If that is where the cookie crumbles though, I will give up and let her go. Thanks for your input. 🤘


          • #6
            So what if you cheat. Do you know if she hasn't cheated before? You don't know and you both shouldn't give a damn. Cut your losses and move on or stay and mend fences. that is how I see it. People cheat all the time. Sometimes you find out and sometimes you don't. People cheat for different reasons. Maybe, you should first find out why.


            • #7
              People cheat for their own reasons and some time, it has nothing the hell to do with you and your relationship with that person. So, before you talk to her, find out why you cheat and what it is that you are looking for. When you think about it and find the answer, that is when you should go have a chat with her because it all has to make sense to her. Since you cheated more than once, you have nothing going for you. She is not going to budge that easy. Good luck!


              • #8
                If you have something solid with her why are you going out on her? That is what you need to find out. There is a reason why you are not satisfied with your shit at home. So when you find that out, you are not only gonna help yourself to do better, but help anyone else that comes along. I think she is going to leave you. Sorry for the bad news.

