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1 Million COVID cases for 1 Day

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  • 1 Million COVID cases for 1 Day

    Have you guys read the news??? we hit 1 Million in the United States!!!! Is it the end of the world??

  • #2
    I am sick tired of Covid. to hell with the virus, we all are gonna die anyway.


    • #3
      Who cares about the staged pandemic? It stole our lives,. We should stop this stupidity


      • NinaMcAdams
        NinaMcAdams commented
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        Oh idiot! don't you know how many people died because of your stupidity? For sure you did not get the jab right? Then you have the audacity to hook up? Keep your pussy inside your pants bitch !!!!!!

      • fashiones12
        fashiones12 commented
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        You better suck Fauci's cock and make him your God.. all the bullshits about this Covid NinaMcAdams go live in your bubble, let us, the free people live freely. IDIOT

    • #4
      IT'S A LIE!!! those people are trying to rip us off. Covid is nothing but a product of their stupid minds


      • loveofmylife101
        loveofmylife101 commented
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        there is the newest virus in town called MONKEY POX. I would not even be shocked if there will be a fish flue by next year. every one wants to rip us of money..

    • #5
      have you guys heard of the latest news? there is this Monkey thing now trying to rob us money lol this world is getting crazier by the day.


      • #6
        we have to update this shit, Monkey pox is the newest bitch in town.. lol the world will end soon


        • 1nytstand
          1nytstand commented
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          XYZKate I agree! I think we should minimize doing an orgy? or having hookup sex. They are one of the modes of acquiring monkey pox.